Monday 5 September 2011

good morning glory

It's 5:16 am and we're picking up my mother-in-law before heading towards the hospital. I'm probably going to be a little late. Late night, late start.

I apologize if what I write doesn't make much sense. I was up late last night talking to a few loved ones who wanted to wish me well and give words of encouragement. A particularly nice call was one from my brother and his wife, whom I miss very much, in the Philippines. They are there doing missionary work and I am so proud of them but I can't help but wish they were here instead. At least for right now.

When my hubby and I were finally ready for bed, it was almost midnight. But I had a good sleep, for about 2 hours. I woke up once because I heard one of my daughters cry but I didn't get up. Then about an hour later, we both woke up to the terrible screaming of a little girl. One of them had awaken very obviously disturbed. Ahmad, my husband, got up to check her and she cried and cried and cried. he gave her a bottle and changed her bum and still she cried. she cried until she puked, this is a very common thing with her mind you. Anyhow, so he got her cleaned up and then put her in our bed. Once she was there, she crawled next to me and closed her eyes. She rubbed my arm and held my face until she fell asleep.

Carrying a child inside of you for 8 months is a very special gift that God has given us women. It is a difficult task to bear but when you see that child (or children in my case) and can hold her or him in your arms, nothing is more easier than that. When you look at your child or think about her or him, all you want to do is love them and provide the best life that you possibly can. S/he is your heart outside of your body.

This morning, as my daughter held me close to her, I felt as if she knew something big was about to happen and she wanted to be there for me, with me. Maybe. Maybe not. But she comforted me and gave me what I needed without me even knowing it. Maybe without even knowing it herself.

Isn't it wonderful how God knows what you need at every given moment? He loves you and cares for you for you are "His heart out of His body".

Well, we're here. See you in a few days my friends.

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