Our marriage hasn't been easy peasy. Our journey isn't light and dreamy. Our path is jagged and messy, lined with crags and crevices, mountains and vales, lush forests and dry deserts. Sometimes we may feel dehydrated, cold and afraid and we may wonder whether we took the right path after all but then there are the other days, the beautiful days, when we are so full of pleasures and joys overflowing that tell us, yes we did. I know I can be a very difficult woman to be with. I know I easily overreact, over emphasize and over analyze. I come jampacked with problems and I bear a heavy load wherever I go, completely unhinged and riddled with scars. I would think that no sane man would even consider trusting the rest of his life to a sickly neurotic like me. And yet here you are and here you did. Not only are you here but you've learned to calm me and neutralize me. And no matter how much we fight or how different our views may be on things you never make me feel like you don't want me. By the grace of God, you've tamed the lion inside of me and for all the days of my life, I can rest easy in knowing that we are purposed for each other.
Thank you for wanting me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for the beautiful family that you have given me.
I hope we still have a long road ahead of us because there's still so much that I want to experience and learn with you. And when our children are grown and have families of their own, I look forward to one day being that old couple doing nothing but sitting on a bench holding hands just because.
May the Lord continue to dwell in our home and bless us with more love and deeper love.
Let's keep going my love! We still have more cars to chase!
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